Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Jon and I weren't planning on getting Axton any presents since he's only 6 weeks old but we couldn't resist.

All of these presents are from our families. They obviously didn't hold back! This little boy is so loved! Actually, a couple months ago, when our families drew names for the gift exchange, we had already decided to leave Axton's name out but we were persuaded to bulk up the numbers in the drawing.

This is a necklace that I got for Christmas. This was all I wanted, even though Jon didn't listen and got me more.  I also got a necklace with Axton's birthstone in it.

Since it was just Sacrament meeting on Christmas Day we took Axton to church for the first time. He was very good! He was wide awake when the meeting started so I took him out of his carseat and ended up holding him the whole time. It was a wonderful Christmas program and the music soon lulled him back to sleep.

Hanging out with cousin Olivia and Uncle Skyler on Christmas.
(He was starting to fuss a little and Olivia was soothing him. So cute!)

Oh ya....
My name is Axton and I have a mullet!

Monday, December 19, 2011

All about Axton at 1 month old

Monday, December 12, 2011

1 month old!

Our baby boy is 1 month old! He's been such a good baby. There are some fussy days but nothing that I'm going to complain about (we're all entitled to bad days!).  Now he's starting to be a little more interactive with us and is staying awake for longer periods so we can see his pretty blue eyes.  (I'm hoping they'll stay blue like mine!!) I feel so blessed that he's a part of our eternal family.  This is not something I take lightly.
He received his little Christmas outfit from his Grandma and Grandpa Buchanan. I say little because it's only 0-3 months but they were still big on him (I still have him in newborn clothes). I'm glad though, because he can wear them for awhile. Especially the shoes! Baby clothes are so cute!

I had to throw this in because he's just so cute. (12-2-11)

Monday, November 28, 2011

More about Axton

Proud daddy 11/12/11

Daddy's Rock Star 11/19/11

Axton was given several of these onesies by his Aunt Heather that had "11" ironed on them since he has a super cool birthday!

Happy Thanksgiving! 11/24/11

Today Axton had his 2 week appointment with his pediatrician. Everything looks good!
He is in the 50th percentile for his weight, length, and head circumference. The doctor said that he's perfect. But we already knew that. :)
Since I've had Axton I've heard of 2 families (via Facebook) that have had preemie babies, both of which also said their farewells soon after meeting their little ones.  I was always so afraid that something bad was going to happen while I was pregnant and I had to keep reminding myself that for the most part, everything goes okay!! Each week that I stayed pregnant during the crucial developmental times I thanked the Lord that my body was doing what it was supposed to be doing and helping my baby grow, regardless of my discomfort (which we know there is plenty of during pregnancy!)
Now that he's here, I look at him and marvel at the miracle we created.  That's exactly what babies are: miracles. We gave life to another human being!! I'm so glad that Axton chose us as his parents and that the Lord blessed us with him. I am also grateful for the knowledge that families can be together forever.  This forever binds my husband and I with our families and with the family we have created.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Axton's birth story- long post :)

On the evening of Thursday, November 10th I started having regular painless contractions. I had been experiencing Braxton Hick’s contractions for several weeks at this point so I didn’t think much of it. Starting at about midnight, they started becoming a little uncomfortable. They were further apart however. They eased up slightly so I decided to try to get some sleep. This happened all night- resulting in little to no sleep.

I woke Jon up at about 5:30am because the contractions were becoming more painful. He asked if I wanted him to take me to the hospital but I was afraid that they would just send me back home so I decided to lay down again to try to rest.

Around 7:15am, after calling my mom for further confirmation that I was indeed going into labor, I told Jon that we needed to go to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital at about 8am. My contractions were more painful then, radiating around my hips and lower back, and getting closer together. However, when the nurse checked, my cervix was only dilated 2 cm. She told me they’d monitor me for an hour and go from there. But not even 20 minutes later she came back in with IV supplies and said that my doctor said to admit me.

I asked for my epidural quickly because there were many c sections and inductions scheduled that day and didn’t want to have to wait later. Once I received the epidural my contractions slowed down so I was given pitocin to make them stronger and more effective. So we started the waiting game.
My doctor came in just before 1:30pm and broke my water, where it was discovered that there was meconium in the amniotic fluid. Since baby’s heartbeat was stable and showing that he was tolerating the contractions, no immediate action needed to be taken.
When my cervix was almost completely dilated, my nurse had me turn on my left side because there was still one side that was thicker than the other. Then after waiting some more, my doctor came in to check the position of the baby. Ideally they should be face down for delivery and he was face up. So I was turned to my right side, almost on my belly, with my leg tucked under to get him to turn. The nurse also dimmed the lights so I could try to rest because it was almost time to start pushing. And since I hadn’t eaten all day, I was given IV fluid with dextrose.

Finally, at about 7:15pm we started the pushing process. After pushing for what seemed like forever, we could see his head- covered with dark brown hair!! The pushing continued for a little longer but at 8:46pm our baby boy was born! They told me his length first: 21.5 inches! I couldn’t believe how long he was! His weight: 8 pounds. He was absolutely perfect.

Because there was meconium in the amniotic fluid, 2 NICU nurses were present for the delivery. Unfortunately, both of us had a fever after delivery.  He was also a little grunty.  Because of these things, he had to go to the NICU for monitoring. Fortunately, Jon was able to go with him. They also brought him to me after I was taken to maternity so I could breastfeed him.

Axton only had to stay in the NICU for about 2 hours.  At 12:30am he was brought back to me with the news that everything was ok.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

37 weeks- Maternity pics

We decided to take a trip to visit friends in Idaho. Probably our last trip without a baby! My good friend Jodi also took some maternity pics for me. They turned out pretty cute, if I might say so myself! Thanks Jodi!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hmm, I guess this baby's going to have to come out eventually, huh?

Sept 17, 2011- 32 weeks 1 day

October 9, 2011- 35 weeks 2 days

So, we're in our final month now. It's weird because I feel like time is going by fast but that my pregnancy is going by slow.  Doesn't make any sense does it?
I am definitely becoming more uncomfortable but I still have so much to do before the baby's born!! No, his room is not all set up and ready for him. Not because we're procrastinators but because our condo has been on the market for the last year.  We were unsuccessful in selling it due to a crappy market but we are still looking at houses.  So, we have a bassinet the baby can sleep in. We're just going to hold off a little longer before we set up the actual crib. And I bet he'll never know the difference. :)
I am planning on working up until my due date. Right now my last day of work is Wednesday, November 9th. Which, I guess, is technically past my due date since it was moved to Monday, November 7th.  However, I will be surprised if he makes his appearance early.  We're just playing it by ear at this point. Maybe working will help the process along.

Monday, June 27, 2011

20 weeks!!!!

Today was our 20 week ultrasound.  Everything is looking great with our baby boy. The last 2-3 weeks I have been feeling some movement. At first I wasn't sure if it was really the baby but now it's becoming more frequent and pronounced so I know that it definitely is him. Jon hasn't been able to feel him yet but I know that he will be able to soon!
The current name in the running for the little one is Axton David.  We have had the hardest time deciding on a name!!  We always knew that we'd use David for the middle name because it's Jon's middle name but we have NOT agreed on a first name. I have had a few people recently ask me about the first name and you should see the look on their faces when I tell them "Axton."  They don't really know what to think of it! But, oh well, we like it and that's all that matters. 
We have our crib and bedding already but haven't set anything up because a crib in a box is easier to move.  We are hoping on finding a house before the baby makes his appearance in November.  If our condo hasn't sold then we're planning on renting it out.  Our condo feels too small for the 2 of us and as we accumulate more and more baby stuff, the space gets smaller and smaller. If in the case we don't find a house, we'll of course make it work!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's a BOY!!!

Already our baby is growing so fast! I am now 15weeks pregnant and we just found out that we're expecting a boy!! We can't agree on any names so it's a good thing we still have time to decide!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure- May 7!

I am participating in the Susan G. Komen 5K May 7th! I was going to do it last year but then ended up in the hospital!  Click on the link to participate with me or support me!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

There's a wedding in the near future!

It's official! Garrett (Summer's brother) and Ashley are getting hitched!!
They are planning some time in July or August.
(Date to be announced later.) 
Our families could not be more excited!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New Bird!

So we ended up with a bird! Jon's niece rescued him from someone who couldn't take care of him anymore but she already has 6 parakeets so her mom said "no way!"  She knows a sucker when she sees one so she offered him to us.  He's a peach-faced lovebird and is approximately 10 years old.  His name was Mickey but we didn't really like it so we changed it to Kanoni, which means "little bird" in one of the African languages (lovebirds originate from Africa).
Nike isn't quite sure what to think of him but for the most part they get along pretty well.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Recipe: Blueberry Oat Pancakes With Maple Yogurt

Prep: 5 min     Cook: 10 min     Total time: 15 min      
Makes: 2 servings

1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
½ cup low-fat cottage cheese
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup blueberries
Cooking spray
¾ cup plain low-fat greek yogurt
1 tbsp maple syrup

Combine oats, cottage cheese, eggs, & vanilla in a blender or food processor; process until smooth. Gently stir in the blueberries.

Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Coat pan with cooking spray. Spoon about 2 tbsp batter per pancake into pan. Cook 3 min or until tops are covered with bubbles & edges look cooked. Carefully turn pancakes over, and cook 3 more minutes or until golden.

Combine yogurt & maple syrup; serve alongside pancakes.

Serving size: 3 (3 in) pancakes & about ½ cup yogurt mixture
Calories: 410 Fat: 12g Cholesterol: 220 mg Protein: 26g
Carbs: 50g Sugars: 20g Fiber: 6g Sodium 330 mg

Fun Stuff

I am horrible at this blogging stuff.  Actually I have NOTHING to blog about. 
No kids to blog about or interesting vacations because all we do is work. 
But we were able to go last Friday and watch our SIL, Julie do her first Highland dancing performance at the David Barclay Memorial. She is on the far right and did awesome! You'd think she's been doing this forever but she's only been receiving lessons for a few months.  I love that Jon's family is so into their Scottish heritage.  Jon, his brother Andrew, and his dad are all receiving lessons to learn to play the bagpipes.  Something that Jon has wanted to do before I even met him.