Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hmm, I guess this baby's going to have to come out eventually, huh?

Sept 17, 2011- 32 weeks 1 day

October 9, 2011- 35 weeks 2 days

So, we're in our final month now. It's weird because I feel like time is going by fast but that my pregnancy is going by slow.  Doesn't make any sense does it?
I am definitely becoming more uncomfortable but I still have so much to do before the baby's born!! No, his room is not all set up and ready for him. Not because we're procrastinators but because our condo has been on the market for the last year.  We were unsuccessful in selling it due to a crappy market but we are still looking at houses.  So, we have a bassinet the baby can sleep in. We're just going to hold off a little longer before we set up the actual crib. And I bet he'll never know the difference. :)
I am planning on working up until my due date. Right now my last day of work is Wednesday, November 9th. Which, I guess, is technically past my due date since it was moved to Monday, November 7th.  However, I will be surprised if he makes his appearance early.  We're just playing it by ear at this point. Maybe working will help the process along.


Jodi said...

I hope for your sake he is on time. Sebi was 8 days late and it was torture. You know, he never even used his room until around month 3-4, especially if you nurse, they have to sleep in your room.

Kristin said...

Matt slept in our dresser drawer for a couple weeks...I'm sure Axton will love the bassinet. ;)