Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day is always fun. At least I think so. I wish there were more days in the year where we all wore the same color and did fun things. :) Today Axton went to his first parade (outside my belly that is). Jon was in the parade in downtown SLC at the Gateway Mall with the Utah Pipe Band. It was a little windy and cloudy but it actually wasn't that cold.  I put Axton in the Baby Bjorn front carrier (which he LOVES) and watched the parade. He loves anything action packed so he enjoyed all the colors and costumes and whatever else there was to see.  He did fall asleep for about a half hour or so but woke up just in time to see Jon marching and playing the bagpipes. Growing up we never went to parades but last summer I had the opportunity to go to a lot with the Utah Pipe Band and I had so much fun! I look forward to taking Axton to them this year.


Jodi said...

He's getting big! Glad you guys had a nice St. Patty's Day. Any parade pics?