Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Well, as many of you know- I am currently in a flare up of my Ulcerative Colitis.  I started having symptoms at the beginning of April so I contacted my gastroenterologist and I was started on 20mg of Prednisone.  I started feeling better at first but then then symptoms gradually got worse.  On Wednesday, April 28, I went to the ER for severe abdominal pain.  There I was treated for dehydration and was given IV steroids.  My oral prednisone was also increased at that time as well. 

The next day I started having uncontrollable nausea and vomiting.  I held out until Saturday, May 1, where I went back to the ER and was treated again for dehydration and was ultimately admitted to Alta View Hospital.

Date night??

Wondering why I'm taking pictures...

I had a PICC line placed Saturday, May 8 so I can receive my nutrition through it (TPN).
(Wasn't painful but I thought about it way too much and was freaking out)
This big white bag is the TPN- all the nutrients I could ever need....

More TPN

Girl's time- Kristin (at 8 months pregnant) volunteered to paint my toenails

Skyler made me a "high five."  All the nurses love it.

Flowers to brighten up my room

Another greenery to brighten the place up.

So, currently I am still at the hospital.  We have thrown many treatments my way to decrease the inflammation and are now in a waiting game.  We have seen many improvements in my labs.  My protein (Albumin) is still low but is no longer dropping, thanks to the TPN but I may need to go home with the PICC (that has not been determined yet).  My white blood cell count and platelets are continuing to go down, indicating that the inflammation is also decreasing. 
My hematocrit and hemoglobin are the labs that continue to go down, but need to go up- indicating that there is still bleeding present.  Our next plan of action for this is.... a blood transfusion.  The idea scares the crap out of me (because in this situation I'm the patient, not the nurse) but it will boost my numbers and make me feel better.
Thanks to everyone for your prayers, thoughts, and concerns.  I've beat this once before, I just need to do it again!


The Hale Family said...

Hang in there.. let us know how we can help... xoxo

Kristin said...

Wow...I'm HUGE! Thanks for clarifying that I'm pregnant! :) We love you Summer, and hope you get to go home soon!

Hailee Rasmussen said...

Hope you start feeling better soon! You are so wonderful!!!! :) Love ya!