Thursday, February 4, 2010

House Projects

So we've decided to start on a few house projects.   Our first one is a small storage area under our stairs.
Jon likes making holes in the wall.

This is a picture of some of the storage space we now have. 
We need to do a few finishing touches on it but you get the idea.

We've also decided to put in laminate flooring in our living room (the rest of our downstairs is tile). We've already purchased the supplies.  Eventually I want to do the laminate flooring upstairs too.  The good new is that the flooring supplies for downstairs and the storage space supplies were all purchased on gift cards!!
Oh, ya we also want to paint our second bedroom and put up another medicine cabinet in the bathroom.
Yay for house projects!


Jon and Joselyne Kendall said...

House projects are always fun, we got a few done right before fall started last year, we laid some concrete for a back yard patio (which we have yet to use, stupid winter weather!) we painted the baby's room and bathroom, and we got new countertops to replace the 1970's ones we had before! Our house is looking up! You're "hole" looks great too, great job Buchanan!

Jodi said...

I want a "Jon". That is so cool he is so so-it-yourself. Jorge takes three months just to fix a leaky toilet, all the while I am barfing my guts out! Fun stuff!